
About Dave Gieselman

My Story

Navigating the high-stress, fast-paced kitchens of Los Angeles for over two decades, I was immersed in a world where each moment demanded a response to a new crisis, a new challenge—a world where being present was not just a spiritual concept but a necessity. Here, I learned to find stillness in the midst of chaos, a practice that became an unconscious art form. This art seeped into all corners of my life, becoming my greatest tool as a competitive Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu player, an endurance athlete, a husband, a father, and a relentless adventure seeker.

Running parallel to my love for adventure, my entrepreneurial spirit was busy building and managing businesses. Each role offered its unique challenges, and I learned to embrace them, honing my resilience and discipline. In the process, I discovered the recipe for finding balance within the unrelenting busyness of our world, a recipe that marries the serenity of stillness with the intensity of action.

During my culinary career, my desire to learn, grow, and improve led me to the exciting realm of neuroscience. I found myself absorbed in the study of peak performance, flow state, transient hypofrontality, and group flow. Each concept fascinated me, becoming a cornerstone of my coaching practice for over 20 years.

In coaching, my focus is stress management, nervous system management, task management, time management, and overwhelm management. These are survival skills in a professional kitchen; either you master them early or risk being consumed by burnout. My goal? To extend their power to individuals, groups, and organizations where such valuable skills may have yet to be emphasized.

My mantra is simple yet potent: “First get calm, then get clear.” In a world obsessed with speed, it offers a pause, a chance to shift your nervous system and clarify your needs before you charge ahead. This mantra guides my coaching practice, where I lean heavily on the principles of peak performance and Flow State, dismissing the fads and the fluff to focus on what truly works. Breathwork is my primary tool in this journey, a practical yet transformative practice that brings individuals into Flow State, helping them unlock their fullest potential.

Unlike traditional business and executive coaches, my approach does not begin by attempting to optimize your business.

Instead, I start with you, the dynamic individual at the heart of all your endeavors. It’s you that I’m passionate about optimizing. Because when you are clear, you are at your best, and when you’re at your best, everything else in your life begins to fall into place.